Hey, kids! Did you know that animals have different personalities, just like humans? Read more to learn about our animals on Beretta’s King City Farm!
When there is trouble in the pasture, who are you going to call? Donkey!
Donkeys are not friendly with the coyotes. They chase and kick coyotes away from the farm without a hint of guilt!
What is the sound a donkey makes?
It is known as braying!
What is a mule?
It is the offspring between a donkey and a horse.
Traditionally we raise Landrace, Yorkshire and Duroc breeds. Though pigs will live up to their reputation, and literally eat anything, our happy pigs are fed a diet of grass, fruit, and oats.
"This mud isn't just for show!"
Pigs have no sweat glands, so they can’t sweat. They roll around in the mud to cool their skin. The layer of dried mud protects their skin from the heat of the sun.
Ever take a dip with a pig?
Did you know that pigs are excellent swimmers! Who would have thought?
Ben and Pearl are our work horses at the King City Farm. They belong to the Percheron breed. They are described as a breed that is proud and alert (so they never sleep on the job!), intelligent and willing workers. They are considered to be easy keepers and easy to work with and train.
Percheron horses are well known for their muscular build yet graceful stride.
Horses love to feed on grass and as an occasional treat they are served oats!
Our milking cow is a Jersey cow named Victoria and she’s a busy mommy! A cow must have a calf in order to be milked. Cows have an average of 8-12 babies in their lifetime, with the all time record being 39 calves.
What's the name of a young female cow?
A Heifer.
In good company
Cows are ruminants, which are cud chewing mammals (just like sheep and camels!). A cow chews her cud up to 8 hours each day. (Hey, whatever keeps you out of trouble!)
Orange you glad you chose organic?
Chickens that are allowed to roam free and have access to natural feed such as grass and bugs, will have a deeper orange colored, nutrient rich yolk!
Move over mankind, here come the chickens
Did you know there are more chickens on this earth than there are humans?
Baa baa black sheep!
When it comes to their wool, black sheep are thought of as less desirable on the market because their wool is more challenging to dye.
Family matters
The “black sheep” of a family is often considered the outcast.
Too much of a good thing (sometimes)
Our turkeys love to eat grass and bugs, but we make sure they get a well-rounded meal of oats and barley as well!
They love to gobble gobble!
Just like humans, turkeys are very social animals that prefer to live in flocks and enjoy the company of other animals, except raccoons who are the number one predators of turkeys.